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SLP-1 sets out guidelines for the construction of structures, known as “magazines” that are used for the safe and secure storage of explosive materials. The construction of magazines is primarily controlled by regulations administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The SLP describes the various types of magazines, the construction requirements for each type, and the explosives products that are permitted to be stored in each type. The SLP is not a substitute for applicable federal, state, or local regulations, but does provide a succinct guide to the complex regulatory scheme surrounding the storage of explosives. Read more

SLP-28 provides general information on maintaining inventories of certain bulk explosive materials and oxidizers used in the manufacture of explosives and blasting agents. The SLP covers the considerations that underlie the selection and use of inventory control systems, devices, or methods for detecting and preventing any unexplained or unexpected losses of bulk materials. Read more

SLP-32 describes best practices in the manufacturing, testing, transportation, use and disposal of explosive products used by the oil and gas industry.  The SLP also includes guidelines for explosives security in various oil and gas operations.  The best practices described in the SLP are considered by IME to be minimum requirements for safety and security. Read more

SLP-4 was developed by IME to provide specific, accepted warnings and instructions for the safe and secure transportation, storage, handling, use, and disposal of explosive materials. Written in an “ALWAYS” and “NEVER” format, the SLP sets out procedures and practices designed to ensure that explosives products are managed and handled responsibly and safely. Read more

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