IME SLP-27: Security In Manufacturing, Transportation, Storage and Use Of Commercial Explosives

7 modules


Colleen Flood

06 Jun 2023



SLP-27 is dedicated to explosives security.  The SLP sets out best practices for preventing, recognizing, and responding to potential threats.  It includes both general and specific procedures for ensuring that commercial explosives do not fall into the wrong hands.  In addition, SLP-27 sets out IME’s recommendations for members of the explosives industry in responding to threat alerts issued by government authorities, including alerts issued by the US Department of Homeland Security using the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS).


By the end of this training you will be able to:

  • Identify and implement proper procedures for securing explosives manufacturing facilities, including during elevated threats or disasters
  • Identify and implement "Know Your Customer" and For-Hire Carrier programs
  • Identify the qualifications, requirements, and planning needed for the secure transport and storage of commercial explosives materials

Each module will contain an instructional video and informational activity to prepare learners for the final exam.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 2023 Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

SLP 27 Module 1: Manufacturing
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SLP 27 Module 2: Sales and Distribution
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SLP 27 Module 3: Transportation of Class 1 Materials
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SLP 27 Module 4: Storage
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SLP 27 Module 5: Use
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SLP 27 Module 6: Security Measures During Elevated Threats and Disasters
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Final Exam: Test Your Knowledge of SLP 27
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Added about 1 year ago, by Edward
Need more instruction on how to start and the steps to take tests,
Added about 1 year ago, by Toby


These e-Learning Modules have been prepared by the Institute of Makers of Explosives (“IME”) and its member companies to assist professionals to expand their knowledge of certain areas of the industry. While they may be available to the public, they are not provided for use or information for the general public. IME disclaims any and all liability for any use or misuse of these materials and warrants only that these materials are offered for professional use.

These training modules have been created for professionals involved in the explosives industry who hold or are working towards all required blasting licenses and who have or are receiving appropriate experience and training. Users of this site are cautioned to carefully consider the tools that are presented and decide for themselves if they are safe and appropriate for the intended use. IME offers no warranty of use or applicability, and while it will continue to make best efforts to keep materials current, it assumes no guarantee of or obligation to do so.

While these training modules attempt to thoroughly address specific topics, it is not possible to cover every situation and the requirements necessary to ensure a healthy and safe working environment. Such an endeavor is beyond the scope or intention of this training.

This training is a tool for addressing explosives safety and security, rather than an exhaustive statement of all legal obligations, which are defined by statute, regulations, and standards. These practices and procedures do not supersede any federal, state, or local regulations regarding explosives and blasting work.

To the extent that this information references best practices or procedures that may enhance health or safety, but which are not required by a statute, regulation, or standard, it cannot, and does not, create additional legal obligations. All users should consult the legal requirements of the locality before proceeding.

The practices and procedures presented in this training are, in the opinion of the IME, the best available at the time of publication. Regulators may modify rules and interpretations to account for new technology, information, or circumstances. IME will, to the best of its ability, update the Institute’s SLPs and the e-Learning modules based on those SLPs accordingly.

Please note that these materials are intended to assist employers, workers, and other professionals in the explosives industry as they strive to improve workplace health, safety and security. Use of the materials does not ensure or guarantee a risk-free situation.  The information contained in these publications is general in nature and is not intended to and cannot anticipate or address every circumstance which could be encountered when handling explosives.  




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